Unexpected Event – Grace Granted

Friday evening after dinner, my husband seemed to be asleep sitting up in his hospital bed, but his demeanor was strange. I ignored it for a little while, but when it didn’t change, I was sure something was wrong. I called Hospice and described what I saw, and the nurse instructed me to call 911.

I thought I might lose my husband before the night was over, but I prayed that I would be blessed to receive him back home alive and restored. I believed that either he had or was going to have a seizure, based on his fixed, unnatural countenance. Then I saw that his left eye was drooping, as was the left corner of his mouth. I recognized these symptoms as characteristic of a stroke. I checked his left arm, which is the arm that still worked. His stroke in July of 2011 affected his right side, leaving his left side still functional. Now his left arm was limp, as though it were disconnected from his body. His first massive stroke last July arrived on the wings of his first seizure.

Today Johannes is back in his own bed; in fact, he came home the same evening. His face does not droop. His arm is not limp, and it is as strong as it was before this event. The assumed cause of the matter the doctor says was a probable seizure and/or a TIA, something less than a stroke, that may lead to a stroke.

God is merciful and gracious. He knows my frailty. I see the signs of my husband’s deliverance coming. (I hate death and try to focus on the bright side of it – his deliverance.) Maybe I am being prepared gradually for my loss.

I try not to think very much about my future, not that I expect a bad one, but I don’t want to become less interested in caring for my husband with my mind focused on the next chapter of my life. This season requires all the strength I have, and without passion, I doubt that I could do it. When I catch myself wondering about tomorrow, I remind myself that today has enough trouble of its own, as the Bible says. We are promised grace for today. Tomorrow will have its measure of grace when it comes.

I thank you all who have kept us in your prayers. It makes a difference. I believe someday we will all know exactly how much a difference our prayers for one another made as we journeyed here on planet earth. We’ll have lots of stuff to talk about while we explore the beauties of eternity in Heaven with our Lord.


Matthew 6:34 – The Bible (KJV) – Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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39 Responses to Unexpected Event – Grace Granted

  1. You may want to keep just one foot in the next chapter of your life. This way the transition does not hit us smack in the face all at once.


    • I’m doing that, Carl. My plan is to sit still until I know what different thing I might wish to do, but I’m good for sitting still until then. All is well. I do see what you’re saying. I need to have a transition plan from married woman to widow. I have it. Thank you, Carl. Blessings to you…


  2. elizabeth says:



  3. Patricia says:

    Carol, you are doing great. You know from where your strength comes and how to access it. You will have what you need when you need it. Prayers continue…


  4. ansuyo says:

    Thank God for His strength to meet the challenge of each new day, and for holding our tomorrows for us as well. 🙂


  5. Noel says:

    Carol, what a scary moment you must have experienced! But like Carl said above, being prepared for what is to come is better than being surprised all at once. Blessings to you and your husband. Keep us posted. Peace.


    • Thank you, Noel. Yes, I was very scared. I suppose I should have been calm and collected, but I found it difficult to express myself to the 911 operator. The fight or flight response engaged, but I could neither fight nor flee. Ha! I made it through by His grace. Blessings to you…


  6. CMSmith says:

    That must have been so frightening for you. I am so glad nothing more was taken from your husband this time. You have amazing strength.


  7. pattisj says:

    I’m so glad to hear this good report, a testimony of God’s faithfulness, mercy and grace. You are loved, Carol Ann.


    • Thank you, Patti. Love and hugs to you. Thanks for stopping by. Here today Johannes is sleeping through his dose of seizure medication. Not good. He was awake all night long with ALZ episode, so now he is resting deeply, unavailable to my pleas to wake him up. Blessings to you…


  8. JoDee Luna says:

    I appreciate reading this so I can join with the others that are praying for you and your husband. God be with you, Carol. You are his angel of grace.


  9. god truly is merciful my dear friend, my heart aches for you. hope things take a positive turn ASAP.

    holding you in my loving prayers.


  10. Bonnie says:

    Your strength amazes me, Carol Ann. Even though you may feel frail, through Christ you are strong. Prayers for you and Johannes always. Big hugs to you, my friend.


    • I am weak but He is strong. Sounds like a line from that sweet children’s song we always used to sing: Yes, Jesus loves me; yes, Jesus loves me. Blessings to you, Bonnie… Yes, Jesus loves us.


  11. flyinggma says:

    Hugs and prayers to you and Johannes!


  12. fivecats says:

    I can’t imagine what that must have felt like. I’m glad it wasn’t the ‘TIME”.

    Many continued prayers and blessings …


  13. tekia says:

    May the peace, grace, goodness, mercy, and strength of God Almighty dwell in you and bare you and your husband up. Be blessed dear.


  14. Laura Best says:

    Thinking of you and your husband, Carol Ann. Will remember you both in prayer. Hugs


    • Thank you, Laura. My old computer went down for its last breath, since I don’t think I should invest in it any longer. I apologize for my late reply. I appreciate your prayers very much. Blessings and hugs to you…


  15. Tammy says:

    I hope for all to know the difference that prayer makes sooner.


    • Yes, God is good and answers prayer. We need only believe and trust. Jesus paid it all, so that we qualify to receive all the blessings God has to give us. Praises to His name. Blessings to you, Tammy…


  16. jannatwrites says:

    I imagine this must’ve been terrifying. I’m glad you both pulled through. I do think God is preparing you for the inevitable. I’m glad you have been granted more time and are able to focus on what is now rather than what will be. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.


    • Thank you, Janna. I appreciate your prayers and your supporting me in my distress. Once again, my hubby has sunk into the depths and come out of it like a champ. My prayer is that he will not suffer between now and his time to go home. May the LORD say to my husband at the appointed time: Come up here! Johannes will be transported to glory. I agree with you that I am being prepared to accept this side of his home-going, Blessings to you,..


  17. Carol says:

    You are and will be sustained by your faith. It’s reassuring to remember that in all things God is with us. When my hubby had his open heart surgery we were told it should give him another good ten years. That was over fifteen years ago! So every morning now I find myself thanking God fervently for each new day.

    Whatever time we have left together is a blessing, right?


    • You are right, Carol. All the added moments of time together are blessings. I am thankful for the many times Johannes has rallied.

      What a wonderful testimony to God’s faithfulness to honor his Word in answering your prayers. Fifteen more years and still counting! Praise God! Blessings to you, Carol…


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