Cloudy Texas Skies – Today – Last Night Lightning Lit the Sky – Thunder Pounded Our Ears – Winds Rocked our Coach – Pet Bichon Frise Chelsea Slept through the Storm –

Cloudy Texas Skies

Cloudy is the theme for the day after the storm, and this thick cloud cover is welcome. Cool and calm. Moist but not wet. I like it.

Beauty sleep must not be interrupted, so Chelsea snoozed through the entire storm last night. Winds blew against our coach, a deluge of jet-propelled super rain drops pelted our roof, bolts of lightning flashed before our eyes, thunder rolled, but Chelsea was somewhere else living in her dreams.

We have been visiting my family and friends in Texas this week and next. This entire year we are focusing on family and friends, Steve’s and mine. America, we will get around to all of your amazing places little by little, mile by mile.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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5 Responses to Cloudy Texas Skies – Today – Last Night Lightning Lit the Sky – Thunder Pounded Our Ears – Winds Rocked our Coach – Pet Bichon Frise Chelsea Slept through the Storm –

  1. Patricia says:

    I like rain storms but not sure how I would like them when in a motor home.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know what you’re saying. Up close and personal. The rain made that special loud sound on the roof. The coach is surrounded by windows like in a bus, so the lightning show was fantastic. It was an experience that will probably happen again. Blessings to you, Patricia…


  2. pattisj says:

    Did you get to visit your brother?

    Liked by 1 person

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