Am I Losing Weight? How Can I Tell? Really! Take this Simple Test…

Blue JeansThere is a well known way to tell if weight rolled off or crawled on, like this.

Pull your jeans off the rack, and put them on. First, open the zipper and shake them well. Lift your right leg and insert it into the pant leg. This usually will work without a hitch. Next, pull the pant leg up. All is well, probably.

Now, insert your left leg into the other pant leg. This could get tricky, but hopefully not. Only in extreme cases will we find a struggle here. Now, pull the jeans up, all the way up, snugly. Cool. Ha?

Here is the real test. Can you close the button? Come on, tug! Suck it up! Ah. Okay, now pull up the zipper. Breathe slowly…

If you don’t pass out after five minutes, and, if you can sit down without extreme pain in your abdomen, you may have lost some weight.

Okay. I know. I’m getting obsessed with this weight thing. Why not make it fun?

Any funny stories?

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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10 Responses to Am I Losing Weight? How Can I Tell? Really! Take this Simple Test…

  1. Patricia says:

    Well my jeans fit but only because last time I bought a size bigger! I have been watching my weight for several months. I have lost and gained to same 5 pounds over and over…


    • That’s one way to win the jeans test. I’m striving to get back into mine. If I cannot, alas, I shall purchase another pair. I know what you mean about ups and downs. I’ve just had too many ups and not enough downs. Thanks for stopping by, Blessings to you, Patricia…


  2. elizabeth says:

    Thanks for the laughs Carol Ann. You been peeking through my bedroom window? 🙂

    What is it about that 5 pound yoyo? I suppose we should be thankful it’s not 20 pounds. I had one frustrating morning last Thursday. My bed looked like a flea-market by the time I’d found something I could actually zip-up. Yep, I’m back into my fat wardrobe! Started counting calories this morning. We’ll see how that goes. 🙂


    • Yay! I have a sister! I’ve been in my fat wardrobe for a while, and now those clothes are tight! I’m for sure on a diet. I go on and off Atkins. I’m on again. I go from Atkins to my sure-fire eat-less, Carol Ann, diet. It used to work! Blessings to you, Elizabeth…


  3. Maxi says:

    You made my day, Carol Ann. Is there a woman in the world who doesn’t know about the jeans? Omg, still laughing. Thanks.

    Btw, you have a new follower. Guess who?
    blessings ~ maxi


  4. Many people say I’ve lost my mind. I still weigh the same though.


  5. pattisj says:

    Jeans with a touch of spandex are nice. The treadmill is helping me, love it!


    • Yes, I can imagine that a treadmill would do a lot for one trying to lose weight. We don’t have one, and we haven’t been going to the gym, either. Not enough time.

      I’ve never worn spandex. Sounds interesting. I’d probably like them. Blessings to you, Patti…


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