A Time to Heal, by Fayla Ott

A Time to Heal is the title of a book that I read yesterday and the day before! I couldn’t put it down. I started in the evening of the first day, so I finally had to go to sleep and wait for the next day to finish it.

I thought as I began reading the pages that it would be a story with a happy ending. I like happy endings. Enough of life is sad. Yet, if the end seemed predictable to me, why did I keep turning the pages? I can’t explain. It was the middle that hooked me the most. Authors sometimes have trouble with the middle, but I’m sure Fayla Ott did not. She blessed me with every page.

Here it is: Have you ever been disappointed in God? Has some tragedy or shame caused you to doubt God’s love for you, personally? Have you ever wanted to strike back at God for His seemingly obvious failure in your life? Have you ever been that angry at God? I once was. The main character in this book was, too. It’s a war you know from the start you’re not going to win, but you can’t help yourself! Have I made you curious? Read Fayla’s book. It will bless your heart.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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8 Responses to A Time to Heal, by Fayla Ott

  1. Patricia says:

    Does sound interesting. I put it on my library list.


    • I must check out your library list. I’m reading books again, at last. I had some long years that time did not allow much reading. Thanks for stopping by, Patricia.


      • Patricia says:

        If you click on the Books I Have Read link you will see a list of books and my “rating”. Enjoy the blessing of time to read!


      • I found your library list right after replying to your comment. I’m reading a novel right now, but I’ll be back to the list after that. I see that there is a link to the ones you have reviewed, too. Very convenient. Blessings to you, Patricia…


  2. pattisj says:

    Thanks for the referral, I like her title.


  3. Maxi says:

    In August 2011, I lost my one true love after 40 years. The pain is still as raw as the day I first lost my David.

    Still, there is not one moment I have been angry at God, not one moment I have asked why, not one moment I feel let down, not one moment…

    There is a purpose. He knows what it is.
    blessings ~ maxi


    • Blessings to you, Maxi. You truly have known that God loves you unconditionally and always. Our loving Father is good and kind, and when he does allow heartache, although I do not believe He causes our pain, He brings good out of it for us. I offer my condolences concerning your loss of David. I lost one husband by divorce and two by death. All three losses were heartaches. Yet, my wonderful Savior and God has given me another husband. I am blessed again.

      Thank you for stopping by. I am enjoying your uplifting blog. You have made me laugh and laugh!


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