Morning Coffee

Morning Coffee

A sip of my favorite coffee in the morning is for me nothing less than a gift from heaven. It is more than a beverage, more than a tradition, something near transcendence from where I am to where I would like to start my day.

Morning coffee takes me back to my childhood. My paternal grandmother served me my first cup of coffee when I was ten years old. She’d never heard of dangers from caffeine, so my young age triggered no warnings in her mind. She lived through the Great Depression and served my father coffee soup when he was a boy. Ha! I remember feeling a little sad for my dad when she told me about their coffee soup.

I miss my grandmother more than I can say. Coffee in the morning may be my way of not giving her up to eternity just yet, a tug on the cuff of her sleeve calling her back for another cup of coffee together with me.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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4 Responses to Morning Coffee

  1. buttercup600 says:

    Awww…that is so sweet!! I feel the same about my coffee and wrote a post about that some time ago. I can’t begin my day without coffee first thing…is that addiction, or what??????…Have a great day!! oxoxox


  2. Nah. It’s not addiction. We just like it.


  3. amkuska says:

    I also have a post dedicated to coffee upcoming on my blog. (Along with 35 other posts. >.<) There's just something about it that makes waking up pleasant. I don't think it's just the caffiene either. After all, a cuppa red bull in the morning just doesn't quite do the trick, does it?


  4. No, red bull cannot replace a cup of coffee in the morning. I would be disappointed with any other beverage first thing in the day. I look forward to your coffee post.


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