Mighty to Save

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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22 Responses to Mighty to Save

  1. elizabeth says:

    Carol Ann, the world says that the truth hurts, but this Truth heals and uplifts. Thanks for posting it, and may God be the lifter of your heart today. (((hugs)))


    • Thank you for stopping by. I’ve never posted a video before, because I don’t know how. Ha! I still don’t know how to insert a video into a post. I experimented and tried to teach myself. The result was that I published the video without even one word of introduction. Oh well. I just had to hear that song today, so I went looking for it on YouTube. After I found it, I wanted to share it. Blessings to you, Elizabeth…


      • elizabeth says:

        Carol Ann, you just write your post as you normally would and then click on the insert image/video link about the posting box then follow the instructions for the URL placement (I copy and paste the YouTube address from the webpage at the top of the browser. Haha, I don’t think I’m helping! LOL 🙂


      • Thank you, Elizabeth. I’ll give it a try next time I want to post a song. Blessings…


  2. elizabeth says:

    Reblogged this on Elizabeth's Ramblings and commented:
    I just had to reblog this post of Carol Ann’s it is beautiful and a wonderful reminder that even though we walk through a dark valley we are not alone. There is One Mightier than ourselves, who will keep us no matter what is going on.


  3. I love this song, Carol Ann. I’m glad you took time to post it.

    Blessings to you and your husband. 🙂


  4. jannatwrites says:

    Thanks for sharing – this is one of my favorite songs. They sing it in church quite often.

    You’ve probably heard it, but Laura Story’s “What a Savior” is another of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXpFsjSc-4

    I just love music 🙂


  5. Tammy says:

    you did great with the video Carol.


  6. flygurlual says:

    Thanks Carol,
    I love all your posts, and even the recipe you posted. I can use these shortcuts as well. In fact my mom was just saying she had a craving for stuffed peppers! If you knew my mom, you’d realize how strange that is. She hates anything green! lol
    Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.May the Lord continue to bless you and your husband!


    • Thank you, Carrie. I appreciate you very much. May God bless you and your mom and family richly.

      There is something very appealing about the flavor that the green pepper infuses into the meat and sauce in stuffed peppers. Thank you for stopping by.


  7. sharmishtha says:

    a golden, peaceful truth carol. glad that you managed to post.

    hope you are enjoying spring, has it reached yet?

    lots of love for both of you.


  8. sharmishtha says:

    for some mysterious reason wordpress is ordering me to log in in case i want to use my usual email id, so goodbye to my gravatar 😦

    will have to stick to this id i guess.


  9. fivecats says:

    One of many worship songs on my personal favorite list.

    (Regarding comments, WordPress is fiddling around with its commenting system. They’re trying to make it more “convenient”. Unfortunately, the better convenience is here to stay.)


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