Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Psalm 4:8 – The Bible (NIV) – In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 23:1 – The Bible (NIV) – The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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25 Responses to Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

  1. Tekia says:

    In this we can have peace. Thanks for sharing Carol 🙂 Be blessed! XX


  2. pattisj says:

    Are you sending me a personal message here? Like maybe I should go to bed? I’ve been catching up on blog reading, and realized it’s almost 1:30 a.m! I shall lie down now, and yes, I will rest in peace. Realized how very blessed we are when I saw the weather map this morning, and where the tornadoes touched down in a straight line to the south and north of us.


    • The weather has been wild lately. I’m glad those storms missed you. Yes, it’s late and I’m still up, too. I guess we should go to bed, Patti. I like the simple statement in Psalm 23:1. I usually read it in the KJV, but the NIV says so sweetly – I lack nothing. God is SOOoooo good. I’m off to bed. Blessings to you, Patti…


  3. trisha says:

    what a beautiful, blessed sleep it will be.


    • Is it daytime where you are? It’s deep into the nighttime here. In fact, this is Monday already, in the wee small hours. Blessings to you, Trisha, whatever time it is. It’s a small world on the Internet. 🙂 Have a blessed sleep. I’m on my way to my pillow.


  4. Liane says:

    I’ve just created a new confession list; I’m adding these to it 🙂


  5. flyinggma says:

    How sweet, beautiful and peaceful! Blessings, Carol


  6. Cindy says:

    Look at that sweet little face.
    Just popping in to wish you a wonderful week, you deserve it, Carol. xxx


  7. Every time I see a picture of this nature, my first thought is that the child never suffer the horrors of this world. That only the very best things in life come its way.


    • I know what you mean, Carl. Sweet innocence. Life is hard. We want so much to protect our littlest members of society. Without a thought to safety a baby lies sleeping. Yet, soon after birth even infants feel insecure. They long for the strong arms of protection to embrace them. Blessings to you, Carl…


  8. elizabethre says:

    I love that scripture Carol Ann. I’ve used it many times over the
    years to help me sleep when I was worried or anxious. Thanks
    for reminding me it’s still there.


  9. jannatwrites says:

    So true, Carol. I’ve had a lot of things on my mind lately. I’ll say a prayer tonight so that I might sleep peacefully 🙂


    • Thank you for taking time to stop by, Janna. I appreciate it and your comment. I, too, must prepare for a good night’s rest by reminding myself that I and my loved ones are safe in His watchful care. Blessings to you…


  10. Both of these passages are so needed right now with all the unrest that we are facing in our world and in society. Thanks for the reminder.


  11. lesliepaints says:

    I have a needlepoint done by three generations of women of this poem. Very dear to my heart it is. Adorable baby picture!


    • Are you talking about this:

      Now I lay me down to sleep.
      I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
      If I should die before I wake,
      I pray the Lord my soul to take.

      My grandmother taught me and my sister that poem when I was a child. It was our nighttime prayer.

      Thank you for stopping by and for your comment. Blessings to you, Leslie…


  12. Chloe says:

    Such peaceful words contained in these verses…and you have chosen the perfect image to portray that peace and comfort.

    Have a great weekend my friend xx


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