Thank you for your prayers…

Thank you all who prayed for my hubby and me. He suffered a stroke. It didn’t show up on the first tests, but finally the evidence was seen on an MRI. His right side is paralyzed, he cannot speak, and the trauma of it all has increased significantly his Alzheimer’s symptoms.

I know that my husband is not alone in his condition. God has him in the hollow of His hand. The distractions of life that hinder us from fully embracing God’s love have been shut out. I have been shut out from my hubby’s awareness, as well. I trust that God has a purpose. I feel like my heart has been stabbed. Yet, I also feel the comfort of Jesus. I feel His tears for me like He wept for Mary and Martha when they lost Lazarus.

I haven’t lost my hubby yet. I hope that given time to heal, physical and speech therapy, and the blessing of God, he will come home again for another season. I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for blogging. Perhaps more than I think. I’ll take one day at a time. Thank you all again for your prayers.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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50 Responses to Thank you for your prayers…

  1. Oh Carol, I am so sorry. I’ll add this to my prayers for you and your husband. My heart goes out to you. I hope there are loved ones around who are holding you close at this time.


  2. Laura Best says:

    Carol Ann, I have been thinking of you both and sending prayers. I hope all turns out well. *hugs*


  3. Standing For God says:

    We will continue to pray for you and your husband. I don’t have any words that could comfort you right now but God will be with you through everything.

    Brother in Christ

    Rocco T


  4. LeRoy Dean says:

    Prayers continue.


  5. SuziCate says:

    So sorry, Carol. Prayers lifted.


  6. I, too, am so sorry and know that words cannot really help the way that you feel. Please be assured that I continue to pray for both of you — and that you will feel God’s warm and loving presence with you in a fresh new way every day and especially every night. God bless you, Carol Ann — and God bless Johannes with His healing touch.


  7. Patricia says:

    Prayers continue for both of you.


  8. ram0ram says:

    dear and divine……. God is kind and always with you……with prayers for your family well being…..

    love all.


  9. jannatwrites says:

    I’m sorry for your pain, but am glad God comforts you. Yes, I’m sure God has reasons for what is happening…but they are reasons we may never understand. I so admire your spirit, even in this difficult time. You’re still in my prayers.


  10. lesliepaints says:

    Words are not enough. I ask for light and love for you, dear Carol, the one who has shared that to her fullest with us.


  11. pattisj says:

    It’s good to hear from you, Carol. Keeping you in prayer, anticipating a good report. Hugs and blessings to both of you.


  12. Bonnie says:

    My thoughts have drifted over to you often these past several days Carol Ann. I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s stroke, and pray that his rehabilitation is swift and allows him to return home with you very soon. My prayers include you both, my friend. Blessings to you, always.


    • Thank you, Bonnie. You are praying for exactly what I want. If it is best, I believe God will grant it for me and my hubby. Our prayers will be answered in God’s faithfulness. Thank you for standing with me in prayer. Blessings to you, Bonnie…


  13. flyinggma says:

    Carol my thoughts and prayers are with you both. I have missed your sweet inspiration in my days. You are such an inspiration as a Proverbs 31 woman to me. I am blessed by your example in life Carol. I hope that your husband’s rehab will allow a quick return to home with you. Blessings to you today and always, Jeanne


    • Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement and for your prayers. God is good. I know He is. Somehow He is blessing my hubby. Inside himself with the LORD, my hubby is healing and looking in the face of Jesus. Thank you again for your prayers. Blessings to you, Jeanne…


  14. planejaner says:

    Carol ann–
    I read this yesterday and was just shattered for you–all the while knowing you are continually claiming God’s unfailing love and care. I will continue to pray for you and your husband, that time together is sweet, and for your heart and mind and soul to be strengthened by the living Christ.

    I can’t imagine the walk God is asking you to take, and your husband, as well. But I DO know, i DO believe He has your best in His heart.

    May all glory be God’s in this time of trial and testing. Carol Ann, keep loving your God, Jesus…let the Holy Spirit indwell you so completely that even in your sorrow you know joy.



    • Thank you, Jane. Your thoughts are so tender and compassionate. Thank you.

      I shrunk back for a little time, but His strength washed over me, and I knew what I had to do. Join with the Lord. Let’s roll. I have plunged into the routine to participate as much as possible in his recovery at the facility. It’s a nice place, and the medical and technical staff are wonderful. God is good. Blessings to you, Jane…


  15. fivecats says:

    Many prayers and blessings for the both of you.


  16. lbdiamond says:

    Hugs! Sending prayers.


  17. Jamie Dedes says:

    Take it one day at a time. Enjoy what you can with him. The prayers continue and your are not forgotten, whether or not you post.


  18. jacsprat says:

    I’m praying for both of you! I’m so glad he has someone like you to love and take care of him.


    • Thank you for your prayers. I’m glad I have a man like him to love. He’s a great husband. I can’t wait to have him back home with me. He was doing well today. He spoke, though barely audibly. A staff member moved his wheelchair and he thanked her. He lost his ability to speak from the stroke, so that was significant. Blessings to you…


      • pattisj says:

        Are you still able to spend a good part of the day with him, Carol? So glad to read your encouraging report this evening! Thank you, Jesus, for each step in Johannes’ rehabilitation and healing.


      • It’s so nice to hear from you, always, Patti. You are the servant of the Lord that goes the extra mile. I am grateful to the Lord for your friendship and support.

        Yes, I can go there any hour of the day or night and let myself in with a code. I have been spending only about five hours a day there, significantly fewer hours than when he was in the hospital. I am sleeping at home. I am catching up on housework, and doing other things besides watching for his safety, because I am convinced that he is in good hands, but of course, I will be there for him. This is how I am able to spend some time on my blog.

        I have been going there to feed him at breakfast and his evening meal. I get there before the meal starts and stay after. See, I’m staying on the food chain. I want him to think good thoughts about me. Alzheimer’s, move over. I’m here with my fork and spoon. Blessings to you, Patti…


  19. Noel says:

    Carol, I cannot begin to comprehend what you are going through. My prayers go to you and your husband so that both of you continue to be stronger, in spite of the circumstances, and depend more on God and less on human capacities. Keep us updated. Live one day at a time. God bless you.


    • Thank you for your kind comment, Noel. We appreciate your prayers. My husband looked good today. I am thankful for this skilled nursing center. It’s a wonderful place for him to be. One of my friends went with me today to visit. We were there almost the entire day. I feel very encouraged to see him looking this well. Taking one day at a time and praising God. Thank you, again, Noel. Blessings to you…


  20. Tracy says:

    Catching up on my reading and just saw your post. You have my prayers, Carol Ann. Your attitude and outlook are amazing and very inspirational. The most important thing that I learned from my dad, watching him care for my mom when she was very ill, is that love is stronger and more powerful than most people can imagine… and to share it with someone is a true blessing from above. To love someone for who they are at that very moment, in every moment, no matter how good or how bad that moment may be, is very special to witness. Stay strong and pass my best wishes along to your husband.


  21. Sharmishtha says:

    he will, soon he will recover to his best health. with you praying for him, he is safe as a baby in his mother’s lap.

    alll our loving prayers are with johannes and you, will always be. God will be holding you both in Her loving embrace.

    lots and lots of love.


    • Thank you, Trisha. I appreciate your kind comment and your prayers. Johannes is doing well. He has spoken actual sentences. His speech was gone completely after the stroke, but it’s coming back. It may be several weeks before my schedule gets quiet. Blessings to you…


  22. flygurlual says:

    I’ve missed you so much. And I got caught up in my own troubles. I have been reading with tears, the struggles, you’ve had. I’m so sad and I’m praying fervently for you and your husband.
    It must be so difficult, to have a mate you are so tightly bound to, and watching him suffer.
    I have also been ministered to, by you and your walk, since I am dealing with that element of ‘the unknown’ as you stated, with my mother, and her care.
    I have always been so blessed by your words of comfort and I pray that you would know how much this means to me as a person, and to the Body of Christ as a whole.
    I will continue to hold you and Johannes up in prayer to our Father.


    • Thank you so much. We need your prayers. I will pray for your mother’s health and welfare, too, and for you as you keep on going for her and your family. I know you do your best to protect her. Blessings to you…


  23. Oh, I am so sorry. Am adding you and your husband to my prayer list right now. I hope he can come back and wish you strength to deal with such a difficult situation!


    • Thank you for your kind response to my post. This is a post dated July 17, 2011. The Lord knew you would pray for us, and he knew when. I’m sure your prayer was answered during the dark days between his stroke in July of 2011 and his death on October 16, 2012. Johannes is with Jesus now. God has been good to me. I have since remarried, and my life is good. Blessings to you…


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