Retirement – Love It – Recommend It – Life Is Better when One May Sleep Late when Needed – Life Is Sweet when One May Write a Preferred To-Do List Everyday – Retirement Is the Beginning – Not the End – Spend Less – Enjoy More –

Hair may turn gray and get thin, but life has just begun... Retirement.

Hair may turn gray and get thin, but life has just begun… Retirement.

Retirement has been delightful. I recommend it to anyone that wants quality time to do fewer but more desirable things, even if it means less money to spend. I thank God for my experiences since an unexpected but much appreciated retirement. No I wasn’t fired. I quit. I had to quit. My first year of retirement was the busiest year of my life, never to be duplicated or forgotten, and forever to be cherished. Someday I may tell about it, but for now, it is a memory I will keep to myself.

I’ve shared many phases of my life before and after retirement, including years of caring for my late husband who passed away away in 2012 from Alzheimer’s. Life and loss travel together, and after loss, life goes on. I’ve been blessed and I’m grateful.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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11 Responses to Retirement – Love It – Recommend It – Life Is Better when One May Sleep Late when Needed – Life Is Sweet when One May Write a Preferred To-Do List Everyday – Retirement Is the Beginning – Not the End – Spend Less – Enjoy More –

  1. No more alarm clock and no more calendar.


  2. totsymae1011 says:

    I so wish I could.


    • When my co-workers talked about retirement, I’d say I could never retire and I’d have to die in the saddle. How wrong I was! I retired before they did, unexpectedly. The impossible became inevitable. Blessings to you…


  3. Patricia says:

    I work part-time now and love it. Working about 15 hours a week is just right for me.


  4. jannatwrites says:

    I’m not opposed to retirement, but I’m afraid I have another 25 years before it’s an option!


  5. pattisj says:

    I’m glad you are able to ignore that 5:00 alarm! Enjoy!


  6. Jamie Dedes says:

    Agreed. Enjoying my retirement. 🙂
    Many blessings, Carol Ann! Dance with Infinity.


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