We Could Have Had a Fire during the Night But Disaster Was Avoided – Hot Water Heater Malfunctioned – Saved by Rinsing One More Glass before Bedtime –


Glass Saved the DayReady to retire for the evening, I checked out the kitchen. The dishwasher was loaded. I needed only turn it on to wash the dishes while we slept. I noticed a glass and decided to rinse it off and put it in the dishwasher with the others. This glass, clean and sparkling, may have saved us from a fire.

When I picked up the glass and turned on the hot water to rinse it before putting in the dishwasher, I noticed the the water was unusually hot. I almost dismissed it, but decided to turn it on again. The water was hot enough to burn my hands. This was not right, so I brought it to Steve’s attention.

First Steve said he’d check it out in the morning, but he thought it over, turned around, and headed for the front door. He told me to get a flashlight. We went outside in the dark, and Steve flipped the breaker to turn off the electricity to the hot water heater.

In the morning Steve took the cover off the controls on the hot water heater and saw that it needed repair or replacement. We replaced it. The installer told us we probably would have had a fire during the night if Steve had not disconnected it last night.

Since Steve had his hip replacement surgery, we have experienced several challenges, but we will not complain. His hip is healing beautifully. The hot water heater was bound to fail eventually. It was sixteen years old. All is well. We are grateful to God for so many blessings we cannot count them.

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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10 Responses to We Could Have Had a Fire during the Night But Disaster Was Avoided – Hot Water Heater Malfunctioned – Saved by Rinsing One More Glass before Bedtime –

  1. joyackley says:

    I’m so glad a disaster was avoided by Steve’s thoughtful action. I’m pleased his hip is doing so well, too.


  2. Maxi says:

    Thank goodness Steve decided to do something about the heater. It possibly saved your home … and you. God is good, Carol Ann. Glad to hear his hip is healing.
    blessings ~ maxi


    • Yes, God is good. When Steve pulled off the control cover, he found a contact that had burned. This happened while we were gone and must have caused the water to heat up so hot. If the water temperature had continued to rise or if another contact had caught fire, who knows what might have happened next.

      It is encouraging to see Steve walking pain free. His hip has a long way to go to completely settle and knit together with his body, but even now he enjoys his new hip.

      Blessings to you, Maxi…


  3. pattisj says:

    I’m so glad to see Steve is enjoying his new hip. That’s wonderful news. Also thankful this happened after he was released from the hospital and was able to take care of it. Praising God you were kept safe.


    • Thanks, Patti. We are praising God for that, also. I hate to think what would have happened had the hot water heater malfunction occurred while Steve was away. I believe it easily could have gone undetected until its dangerous consequence. Blessings to you…


  4. jannatwrites says:

    What a scary incident! I don’t think I would’ve thought too much about it… I’m glad you are safe and he is healing from the surgery 🙂


    • Thank you, Janna. I’m glad that I thought it odd and did not ignore it. I almost ignored it, but the second time I burned my hands, I realized that it was much hotter than it had been. I knew someone or something must have caused the change. Blessings to you…


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