Always Awake

When my eyelids
Sink in weariness
Simply won’t stay open
When my mind is tired
And heart beat’s slow
I long to see your face

Hold me
Keep me safe
While I in slumber rest
You are strong and wide awake
I wish to hear your heart beat
To lie in your embrace

You have no need of sleep
Yet you stay beside my bed
Watching me asleep
You always are

Jesus Lord
I’m yours
I’m safe
Good night

By Carol Ann Hoel © August 17, 2010

About Carol Ann Ritchey

Life is good because God is good.
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21 Responses to Always Awake

  1. Jingle says:

    super cute,
    what a blessing to see an innocent baby sleep.


  2. Thank you for stopping by and for your comment. I appreciate it.


  3. Poem turned prayer…beautifully woven


  4. buttercup600 says:

    Awww…that touched my heart my friend, you have the abilty to let your feel every single word and be in the moment. This is absolutely beautiful….sending you love across the ocean xxx


  5. lovemeanyway says:

    This is perfect to read before bed. It would be great to read/teach to little ones.


  6. amkuska says:

    You are very talented as a poet. Keep up the great work. 🙂


  7. Thank you for the kind words. I very much enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for visiting.


  8. A poem-prayer from the heart. Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing, and also for visiting my blog. I’m going to be away for a couple weeks but will look forward to exploring more of your poetry when I return.


  9. Paula says:

    Hi Carol! I’m enjoying your blog. I left a comment for you on your “About” page!


    • Thank you for stopping by. I visited your blog. I visited it at another time and wrote a comment but couldn’t get it to post. This time I got it to post on the blog about your mom and her sweet butterflies. Thank you again for visiting.


  10. tekia says:

    I LOVE this poem Carol. It’s so peaceful and comforting. There are many times when I feel this same way especially when I really just stop and admire the things He’s done and thank Him for being who He is. This is a wonderful testament to His caring nature. Bravo!!


  11. trisha says:

    this is simply divine. a piece of heaven. what a awesome feeling it will be to feel it. from now on when i feel lost i will think of your poem.


  12. Thank you for visiting and reading my post. I am glad that it cheered you. God is good.


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